Public Administration Services

Modern societies are very closely interlinked with and even dependent upon new technologies. For example, many governments use infocomm technologies (ICT) to engage their residents as well as for service delivery, because of the reach and ease of access of ICT. However, modern societies are also highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Such attacks can lead to digital disruptions and disruptions in service. NEC offers solutions to governments to shield themselves from the spectre of digital paralysis.
Because of the increase in population density, the population now suffers from heightened vulnerability to outbreaks of disease. Contagion is that much faster because diseases do not have far to travel.
As such, a safe city is not merely one that is free from security incidents, governments also need to ensure that all residents are shielded from all kinds of foreseeable harm. Over the years, NEC has developed a number of different solutions that do this in different ways.
Management of Foreign Manpower
Many countries now rely on imported manpower to meet staffing needs. These foreign workers range from highly-trained professionals to manual labourers to short-term workers.
Foreign workers are usually managed separately by different ministries for the purposes of identification and management. The creation of a range of passes from Employment Passes to Work Holiday Passes ensures the ability of a country to effectively handle the influx of foreign talent.NEC offers an identity management solution where each foreign worker is issued an identification card with their biometrics information.
NEC also offers a business process outsourcing solution and services to handle the enrollment process, card personalization, and card issuance. NEC also has an Automated Arrival System to complement the registration process. Under this system, applicants refer to LCD display panels for detailed guidance in the use of self-check-in kiosks for personalized services.
Using NEC's state-of-the-art fingerprint biometrics and photo-image technologies, countries are able to construct databases of every foreigner residing and working within the country on a long-term basis.
Library Materials Circulation System
The relatively simple task of borrowing or returning books traditionally performed by traditional librarians can now be fully automated. This improves efficiency in service delivery and frees up librarians for more important tasks that cannot be automated, such as helping people locate information or particular library resources.
To handle the mundane task of borrowing and returning books, NEC has developed a library management system that relies on radio frequency identity (RFID) systems. Using ISO-compliant RFID tags, NEC's solution allows borrowers to check out up to six books simultaneously. The system can also quickly process the return of books without needing human intervention.
In addition, the system is completely networked so that at any point in time the organization will be able to get an up-to-date view of the status of all RFID equipment.
Intellectual Property
In the information economy of today, Intellectual Property (IP) can be a valuable commodity, allowing companies to make technological leaps over their competitors.
IP can consist of patents, trademarks, copyright, author's rights and industrial designs. Protection of these trademarks encourages companies to spend money on research and development as they know their IP, once registered, cannot be copied, thus giving them a competitive advantage.
NEC’s Integrated IP Registry System enables the handling of the IP registration and protection process from end to end.
Government Case Management
Case Management System
Governments handle a considerable amount of data for the benefit of citizens. Effective data and case management thus becomes critical in the provision of vital services. For example, a smoothly functioning judicial system is critical to the well being of the society. NEC provides solutions that enable judges, prosecutors and lawyers to manage cases efficiently.
Food Safety
To help cities protect their food supply, NEC has developed a solution to monitor food imports. The system tracks all food imports, ensures that the sampling is done properly and produces results in a timely fashion so that imports can be cleared quickly.
Disease Outbreak Management
NEC has also developed a disease reporting system that locates the outbreak of contagious diseases geographically so that hotspots can be uncovered on a map. This allows governments to direct resources accordingly and perhaps impose policies to limit the spread.
National Immunization
Immunization enables countries to reduce the likelihood of outbreaks of dangerous diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis (whooping cough) and polio. By getting immunized, the person is protected from these diseases. At the same, if a large percentage of the population is immunized, it creates what is known as herd immunity.
Herd immunity gives protection to sub-groups from contagious diseases such as polio or pertussis. These sub-groups, such as infants and children, might not be immunized yet, but are less likely to get the disease because the incidence of disease in the population is low as the majority of people are immunized.
That is why it is critical for countries to keep track of who has been immunized. NEC has developed a national registry on immunization to ensure that the population as a whole gets immunized on schedule, thus protecting subgroups who have yet to be immunized.